Emergency First Aid At Work

Our Qualsafe Approved, 1 day Accredited Emergency First Aid training course, is a level 2 training course aimed at providing candidates with a top level understanding of first aid incidents, their role in such incidents and common elements of such incidents, particularly in the case of emergencies.

Who is this 1 day Accredited emergency training course for?

Where our 3 day course covers all aspects of First aid, our emergency 1 day course looks more specifically at some of the life threatening incidents that first aiders are likely to come across in an emergency situation.

We deliver our training at a time and date that suits you, at your premises.

Why choose accredited emergency first aid training?

A person with a knowledge of first aid within your company can literally be the difference between life and death in a number of situations in the work place. This is even more true in the case of an emergency where a relatively quick evaluation and response is needed in limited time.

This higher level of emergency first aid training is especially suited for staff who are already nominated as first aiders in the work place, but also suitable for those not already nominated, allowing more people to be hands-on when required.

Qualifications resulting from this course are also regulated by Ofqual.


What does the Accredited Emergency First Aid course cover?

This accredited 1 day level 2 course provides training for emergency situations. Examples of some of the topics covered during the course are:

  • Role of the First Aider
  • Incident and Casualty Assessment
  • CPR
  • Unconscious Casualties
  • Choking
  • External Bleeding
  • Shock


Need your Emergency First Aid course to cover specific topics? Contact us for more information.